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Fez Turizm ve Ticaret A.Ş.

Address : Hocapasa Mah. Tayahatun Sok. Sukran Han No:3,Kat:3 - Istanbul/Turkey
Phone : +90 212 520 04 34
Email : feztravel@feztravel.com
Web : www.feztravel.com

Priene Miletus Didyma Group Tour

Tour Link : https://www.feztravel.com/fez/priene-miletus-didyma-group-tour_TC_PMD
Priene Miletus Didyma Group Tour

Emergency Contact

Pinar: +90 533 280 77 39 or Canan: +90 532 374 49 51

Head Office (Turkey) Pinar: +90 533 280 77 39 or Canan: +90 532 374 49 51

Table Of Contents
Emergency Contact
Travel Insurance
General Info


Tips are common place and customary in Turkey / Türkiye, for everything from table service in a restaurant to a massage in a Turkish bath. It is more often a reward for good service and for most local people, an essential means of supplementing their income, meagre by Western Standards. Often tourists to a country don't know how much to tip or who to tip. The following amounts are a guideline and based on local considerations and feedback from our past travellers:

Restaurants and taxis: Local markets and basic restaurants - leave the loose change. More up-market restaurants we suggest 5% to 10% of your bill.

Local guides: Throughout your trip you may at times have a local guide in addition to your tour guide. We suggest USD 20 per person per day for local guides.

Drivers:You may have a range of private drivers on your trip. Some may be with you for a short journey while others may be with you for several days. We would suggest a higher tip for those more involved with the group however USD 10 per person per day is generally appropriate.

Gulet Boat Trips: If you are travelling through Southern Turkey / Türkiye on a Gulet Boat trip we suggest USD 10 per person per day for the boat staff.

Tour guide: As a guideline we suggest around USD 80 - 100 per person for the whole tour, but this is ultimately up to you.


The currency unit in Turkey / Türkiye is Turkish Lira (TRY). 100 Kurus = 1 Turkish Lira

Current Exchange rate TRY 1 (EUR 0.03) as at Mon, 7 Oct 2024 12:55:14 GMT

Banknotes: 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200 Lira

Coins: 5, 10, 25, 50 Kurus and 1 Lira

You should always carry some back up cash or traveller's cheques separate to the rest of your money and cards. So if you loose your wallet or handbag, you have enough back up money to at least make some phone calls and eat for a few days.

A mixture of cash and credit cards are the best forms of currency. Credit cards are also accepted in most of the restaurants, bars and pubs.

MasterCard and Visa are most welcomed; American Express cards work at some ATMs and Amex offices. Credit cards are also useful for cash advances, which allow you to withdraw Lira instantly from associated banks and ATMs throughout Turkey / Türkiye. Cash cards and ATM's are widespread in most of Turkey / Türkiye; in Istanbul, Canakkale, Selcuk, Pamukkale, Fethiye, Kas, Cappadocia, and Ankara. When travelling, plan your budget and use the ATM machines before leaving the main towns.

Always try and use ATM's that are attached to banks while the bank is open, so that if the ATM swallows your card, you can go into the bank and get the card back.

It is much cheaper to convert money to Turkish Lira in Turkey / Türkiye than at home. Using an ATM or a credit card will often get you the best possible exchange rates; the post and telephone office (PTT) and banks offer very reasonable rates too. In the past, because of Turkey / Türkiye's high inflation rate, it was best to convert money on a daily basis. However, the currency has remained steady against all major currencies in recent years.

It is difficult for us to specify the money that you will spend per day, however, as a general rule EUR 20 to EUR 40 per day, can provide you with additional meals and optional entrances. Should you wish to purchase souvenirs or other gifts, of which there is a diverse range, you will have to budget for these.

Exchange rates used throughout this document are correct as at Mon, 7 Oct 2024 12:55:14 GMT

Travel Insurance

Travel insurance is compulsory on all of our tours and needs to cover personal accident & liability, medical expenses and repatriation, travel delay & abandonment. We also strongly recommend that you take out cover against cancellation and lost/stolen baggage. Personal medical insurance does not normally provide sufficient cover and is generally not suitable for travel on our tours. You will not be able to join your tour if you have not provided us with details of your insurance or if you arrive without cover in place (no refunds will be due in this event). 

General Info

Turkey / Türkiye has so much to offer the traveller with its breathtaking natural beauty, unique historical sites and the famous Turkish hospitality. Walk across the soil that holds intact remains from the Hittites to the Ottomans and more classical Hellenistic sites than Greece! Nearly every major empire has conquered, occupied and left their trace on these lands.

Turkey / Türkiye is a country with a double identity, poised delicately between East and West. The only NATO member in the Middle East region, the country has recently been accepted as a candidate for membership of the EU. Yet although in many respects Western Turkey / Türkiye retains its frustrating differences, and its fascinating contradictions: mosques co-exist with churches, and remnants of the Greco-Roman Empire, ancient Hittite and Neolithic sites, crumble alongside modern culture.

Politically, modern Turkey / Türkiye was a bold experiment, founded on the remaining Anatolian kernel of the Ottoman Empire and almost entirely the creation of a single man, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk. An explicitly secular republic, though one in which almost all of the inhabitants are at least nominally Muslim. It's a vast country and incorporates large disparities in levels of development. At the same time, it's an immensely rewarding place to travel, not least because of the people, whose reputation for friendliness and hospitality is richly deserved.

Turkey / Türkiye is spread upon 3% of the European continent and 97% in Asia. It is bordered by Europe and the Aegean Sea to the West, the Caucasus Mountains to the East, the Black Sea in the north and the Mediterranean Sea to the south. With 7000 kms of coastline, snow capped mountains and volcanoes, natural wonders, immense rivers, pristine beaches, crystal clear waters and rich agricultural valleys, welcome to Turkey / Türkiye.

Largest city: Istanbul 13 million; capital city: Ankara 5 million.

Geographical area: 814, 578 sq kms

Population: 78,785,548 million. (July 2011 est.)

International dialling code

International dialling code: +90

Time Zone: Turkey / Türkiye is 2 hours ahead of Greenwich Meant Time. During day light saving Turkey / Türkiye is 3 hours ahead of GMT, which is from the last Sunday in March to the last Saturday in October.

Electricity: All appliances need a double round pin type plug for 220 volts AC, 50-hertz.

Religion and Local Law 90% of Turkish people are Muslim, however, for many people this is more of an identity rather than a strict religion. You would never guess this statistic walking around much of Western Turkey / Türkiye, especially Istanbul, which in part is a trendy, cosmopolitan city. Turkish Law is secular and guarantees complete freedom of worship to people of all religions. It is recommended that at least one set of modest clothing is taken with you. It is a sign of respect to cover your shoulders and legs when visiting mosques and also attracts less unwanted attention. You cannot visit a mosque during prayer time unless you are praying. If you have any questions concerning appropriate (and legal) behaviour please ask your tour guide or leader. If accused of and detained for illegal behaviour, the Turkish authorities are obliged to inform your embassy or consular representative immediately, you can also insist on communicating with them directly. Turkish authorities command a high level of respect so be polite at all times. Turkish law requires everyone (Turks and non-Turks) to carry Id at all times. Always remember that in Turkey / Türkiye you are bound by Turkish law.